Employment & Income Verification

For Verification of Employment (VOE) or Verification of Income (VOI):


→ Login to verify online (or Register “As a Verifier” if you are a first-time user)

→ You will require the following information to verify online:

  1. Employer Details (see above)
  2. Employee’s information, such as name, social security number, date of birth
  3. Authorization Code* (not required for VOE)

Please contact the applicant/employee to obtain the “Authorization Code”. The employee can generate the code using one of the following options:

(a)  phone: by calling toll free 1-888-800-8190,
(b)  SMS: by sending a text ‘Consent’ to 888-800-8190,
(c)  email: by sending an email to MyConsent@empinfo.com or
(d)  online: by visiting and signup as an employee at www.empinfo.com

Saylor Lane
Healthcare Center

3500 Folsom Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95816

tel  916-457-3500